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October 18, 2021 by Susumu Suzuki

データ分析を活用し、パーソナライズされたメッセージを発信するマーケティング・オートメーション(MA)が注目されていますが、メリルリンチ証券では、フィナンシャル・アドバイザー(FA)のマーケティング活動を支援するため、「ソシアライズ」と呼ばれるMAプラットフォームを構築しています。アイテ・ノバリカ・グループではその概要をレポート「Bank of America's Socialize Platform」にまとめました。

■ ソーシャルメディアを使ったマーケティングとその課題


October 14, 2021 by Martina Conlon

Business Planning at Its BestThe past 18 months have tested companies in a way most organizations could never have planned for. The COVID-19 pandemic, in combination with changing demographics and the new realities of remote work, highlighted the importance of business planning. An ideal business plan involves all parts of the organization, articulating a focused set of business goals and strategies to achieve them.

October 13, 2021 by Martin Higgins

Personal Lines: Increasing Digitalization Brings Fraud and Identity ChallengesThe frequency of customer interactions in personal lines has made these insurers fast adopters of technology, both to drive customer experience and to improve their own efficiency and profitability. While it is ahead of other sectors, COVID-19 has led to dramatic changes in personal lines, necessitating a revisit of current practices.

October 12, 2021 by Robert McIsaac

With the Pace of Change Accelerating, Innovation Helps Carriers Navigate UncertaintyJohn Lennon once famously wrote, “life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” In some ways, this captures a challenge many insurance carriers have faced as the pandemic continues to evolve and extend its impac

October 7, 2021 by Mitch Wein

Enterprise architecture (EA) is no longer an overhead function that primarily governs technical architecture; it is shifting to a strategic enablement function for business transformation. Digitalization of the banking, financial services, and insurance industry is transforming back-end processes and customer service delivery. In addition, accelerating digital transformation in all parts of the business has become more urgent due to changes necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic such as remote working, automated processes, and mobile transactions.
