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April 30, 2023 by Susumu Suzuki

2022年11月のリリース以来、世界中の注目が集まるChatGPT(Generative Pre-trained Transformer)ですが、登録ユーザーは2か月で1億人を突破、現在では毎日5000万回のアクセスがあると推計されています。一方、ChatGPTのような大規模言語モデル(LLM:Large Language Model)をどうビジネスに応用するのかの検討もはじまっており、ここでは現時点での論議をまとめてみました。

■ 大きな関心と大きな懸念
ChatGPTは、最新鋭の自然言語処理(NLP:Natural Language Processing)技術であり、最も進んだ対話型インターフェースを提供していることから、その技術力に大きな称賛が寄せられている。一方、その完成度の高さゆえ、人間がだまされてしまう懸念や悪用が心配されている。


■ ChatGPTの限界と有償版への期待

April 28, 2023 by Benjamin Nestor

Aite-Novarica Group advisors Stephanie Dalwin and Gilles Ubaghs have no shortage of experience working with technology startups in their respective verticals.

April 27, 2023 by Mitch Wein

Community banks aren’t known for being the technology trailblazers of the financial services industry. Big spending on experimental technology is beyond the means of most small-to-midsized banks’ IT organizations at the best of times.

But quantum computing is one area of emerging technology they may not be able to afford to neglect. So, what do banking IT leaders need to know about quantum? And how can they prepare for this emerging technology without breaking the bank?

April 26, 2023 by Enrico Camerinelli

The term “embedded finance” refers to the integration of financial services and products into the business processes and platforms of non-financial entities. For example, an e-commerce platform that allows its customers to open a bank account, make a payment, or apply for a loan without leaving the platform is using embedded finance.

April 25, 2023 by Tari Schreider

Much has been reported on the declining venture capital (VC) deals across the cybersecurity market, but is that true? The answer depends on how you look at the question. If one were to focus on the number of deals, the answer would be no. If one were to look at the size of the individual deals, the answer would be yes.
