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May 31, 2023 by Tari Schreider

Open banking will change the business model of many organizations by empowering them to seek life-sustaining partnerships, leveling the competitive playing field of consumer acquisition and retention. Small to midsize businesses (SMBs) can partner with myriad financial entities to serve as an on-ramp to sought-after financial products. “Too big to fail” joins “too small to survive” to create a new business ecosystem, allowing consumers unprecedented self-management of their finances and SMBs access to financial lifelines to grow their business.

May 30, 2023 by Steven Kaye

Specialty insurers have traditionally made less use of automation than insurers in other sectors. But that’s beginning to change. These carriers are now differentiating themselves in a competitive marketplace.

This is happening through investments in distribution (especially new business submission), product development, underwriting, and claims. In addition, ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs) have spurred conversations about broader AI strategies.

Here are six of the top developments happening in the specialty lines market:

May 26, 2023 by Nancy Casbarro

Insights on Executive Coaching and Stories From the FieldOn May 10th, I hosted the Aite-Novarica Women’s Network meeting on the topic dealing with conflict.

May 25, 2023 by Susumu Suzuki


■ APP不正の急増
欧米では、金融不正(クレジット・カードの不正利用や銀行口座からの不正送金(パスワードの不正入手))対策が強化されてきたことから、犯罪者は、消費者本人を騙して送金させる金融詐欺へと犯罪パターンをシフトさせている。日本では「オレオレ詐欺」が代名詞となっているが、欧米の場合、SNS等を使ったロマンス詐欺が最も多く、その他「架空の請求書詐欺 - Invoice Scam」や「孫の保釈金詐欺 - "Your grandson is in jail, send money now" Scam」など様々なパターンがある。

騙された本人が自分の意思で犯人に送金してしまう被害は、APP(Approved Push Payment)不正と呼ばれる。日本では2000年頃から「オレオレ詐欺」という表現が使われていたが、欧米では2010年頃からイギリスでAPP不正が増加し、アメリカでも2020年頃より問題視され始めた。これらの時期は、欧米でリアルタイム送金が普及したタイミングと重なり、不正に気が付いた時には手遅れとなってしまう(日本で銀行間の全銀システムが稼働したのは1970年代だが、英国では2008年に銀行間のリアルタイム送金が可能となった。米国は更に遅く2017年)。

May 25, 2023 by Gavin Little-Gill

In 2023, asset managers are facing amplified challenges due to volatile market conditions, margin pressure, looming shortened settlement cycles, increased regulatory requirements, and other industry-specific hurdles. These challenges are further compounded by the rapid pace of technological advancements and innovation, which bring both new opportunities and additional obstacles for managers to navigate. As a result, there is a growing imperative for asset managers to embrace change and adapt to these external factors.
