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March 24, 2020 by Nancy Casbarro

Many companies are finding they have begun to quickly execute the business continuity plans they have developed and documented in order to address the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, but what may be harder to address is the human element of this crisis.

March 23, 2020 by Tom Benton

The importance of customer experience has many insurers reevaluating their customer interactions to meet customer expectations with consistent messaging and branding across virtually any preferred mode of communication and for any policy that individual customers desire to access.

March 23, 2020 by Susumu Suzuki

アイテ・グループ緊急レポート:COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities in Financial Services
# 当レポートでは、上記以外の様々な課題やビジネス・チャンスも取上げている(レポートはどなたでもダウンロードいただけます)。

■ デジタライゼーションへの取組みが明暗を分ける
米国では「人と接する際は、最低6フィート(180cm)離れること(Social Distancing)」が奨励され、不要不急のビジネスは営業停止が要請される中、金融機関への来店客も激減している。これが長期化すれば、新規口座開設や各種手続きをデジタル環境だけで処理できるかどうかが、金融機関のレピュテーションに大きく影響する可能性がある。また、顧客との円滑なコミュニケーションが通常時以上に重要となる中、ビデオチャットなど非対面手段(使いこなし方などのソフト面も含めて)の活用にも注目が高まっている。

March 20, 2020 by Spencer Mindlin

Watching the markets and trying to navigate the volatility stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic can be gut-wrenching. Daily trading volume is breaking new records and has tripled since last month from about 6 billion shares to 18 billion shares. I wouldn’t want to tempt fate, but the U.S. markets, from an infrastructure and technology standpoint, are functioning without major issues. Market-makers have, in most cases, stepped up to provide the additional liquidity. Most systems have proven reliable in terms of redundancy and resiliency, and market fragmentation has not contributed to issues in any meaningful way.

March 19, 2020 by Aite-Novarica Media

How did you get into insurance?

I have been in insurance for nine years, focusing on commercial insurance for technology and construction firms.

My older brother worked as a broker, so I gained exposure by hearing about his experiences. I studied at Utah Valley University and spent a couple of years working in both digital marketing and retail banking before moving into insurance. Once I moved into insurance, I never looked back.

How has your experience outside insurance impacted your work?
