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January 29, 2021 by Susumu Suzuki

コロナ・パンデミックに伴う在宅勤務やデジタル庁の新設など、ざまざまな分野でデジタル・トランスフォーメーション(DX)が注目されていますが、米国では、アプリケーション面に加えシステム運用面での見直しも必要との認識が生まれています。アイテグループでは、そのソリューションであるAIを活用したシステム運用ツール:AIOpsの動向を「AIOps in Digital Transformation: Managing Complexity in the Modern IT Stack」としてまとめました。ここではその概要を解説しています。

■ DXでシステム環境が複雑化

January 29, 2021 by Spencer Mindlin

By Spencer Mindlin and Christian Benson

If you’re confused about what’s been going on with GameStop and its wider implications, you’re not alone. Throughout this week, I have been receiving inquiries from friends and colleagues keen to understand what this all means. The truth is that, far from being a simple market occurrence, the events of the past week represent the intersection of institutional investments, retail day-trading, equity market structure, and regulation. Like I said, it’s complicated.

January 27, 2021 by Robert McIsaac

Insurers remain keenly interested in robotic process automation (RPA), big data, and low-code/no-code environments. RPA has been around for quite a while, but it is still evolving, keeping it in the realm of emerging technology. This has also kept it within the realm of insurer interest.
