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January 10, 2023 by Benjamin Nestor

Financial institutions (FIs) are no longer dealing with the immediate adaptations that COVID-19 required. Instead, the financial services industry is back to playing catch up to rapidly evolving technology and an increasingly competitive environment that has produced new opportunities and unique challenges.

Corporate end users continue to seek automated, intuitive payments and cash management products and services. Both FIs and vendors are meeting this demand, and many corporate clients are willing to work with both.

January 10, 2023 by Susumu Suzuki


■ クラウドに対する認識のシフト


■ 大手銀行のクラウド導入計画
パブリック・クラウド活用の取組みが早かったCapital One銀行(全米ランキング九位)では、2015年頃からアマゾンAWSの利用を本格化、2022年5月時点でコア・システム(同行ではカスタマー・データ・プラットフォームと称している)の移行を終え自社DCからメインフレームを撤去したとしている。クラウド移行の最大のメリットはシステム開発の迅速化とフレキシビリティの向上で、メインフレームでは月間のシステム・リリースが最大4回までだったが、Cassandra/DataStax環境下では月間100回のリリースが可能だという。

January 9, 2023 by David Albertazzi

Global recession woes, climate change, and frayed political landscapes continue to test the financial services industry. As a result, financial institutions (FIs) are pressured to balance stability with growth, manage evolving consumer expectations, and keep up with technological advances while acknowledging the changing world around us.

The survival of FIs and the vendors that work with them depends on quick recalibration and even quicker action. As we head into the coming year, these organizations will need to adapt to issues like climate change, customer expectations for omnichannel experiences, and new technology like the metaverse.

January 5, 2023 by Robert McIsaac

Communication MattersMany of us are now finalizing plans and budgets for the new year, which appears to offer an array of both challenges and opportunities for insurance carriers. With fingers crossed, we are looking forward to a post-pandemic era, even while dealing with the consequences of compromised immune systems in many areas, making the health recovery seem bumpy at best.

January 5, 2023 by Susumu Suzuki

アイテ・ノバリカ・グループでは、銀行/証券/保険など各調査チームが毎年1月にその年の「Top10 Trend レポート」をそれぞれ発行しますが、ここでは2023年に共通する方向感をまとめました。今年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

■ 2021/2022年:パンデミックによる変化が加速


■ 事業環境の変化
