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June 9, 2022 by David Mattei

The Power of OrchestrationAt times, we all think our job is difficult. The pandemic has really made some jobs a lot harder. One such job is those who protect their company from online fraudsters. The pandemic drove significant increases in online and mobile banking, along with e-commerce buying. In the expanding sea of online commerce, how do you differentiate the good consumer from the fraudster?

June 8, 2022 by Jack Krantz

400 Under 40 Joel Berrocal

How did you get into insurance?

I’ve been in insurance for about seven years now. I have basically always been drawn to sales-type positions, and I worked in mobile phone sales for a while. Eventually, I was approached about an opportunity at one of the major captive carriers. I took that chance and worked there for about three years; I was even a part of their agency training programs.

June 7, 2022 by Inci Kaya

Payment Modernization in Healthcare PayersI’ve been spending a fair amount of time recently on commercial and healthcare payments, the challenges the industry is facing, and how healthcare payers and payments technology providers can work to address those obstacles.

June 6, 2022 by Susumu Suzuki


■ ネオバンクの誕生と米国の現状

June 3, 2022 by Mitch Wein

Making the Most of Your Data StrategyOn May 24, Aite-Novarica Group hosted our third quarterly Financial Services CIO/CTO Advisory Research Council meeting. 18 CIOs, CTOs, and heads of architecture at banks and financial institutions attended the meeting, which centered on data strategy priorities and initiatives.
