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June 14, 2021 by Martin Higgins

Enterprise architecture (EA) is an area of growing investment across all insurance segments. After years of a centralized, directive-oriented model, EA is transitioning toward a more federated model. The primary driver is Agile, which has demonstrated benefits that extend well beyond improved success metrics in project delivery. This transformation is changing both the role of EA and how the practice delivers value to the organization.

June 10, 2021 by Susumu Suzuki

昨今SDGs(サステイナブル開発目標)が注目されていますが、欧州の機関投資家が、SDGsに積極的な企業を評価するためのベンチマーク「アセット・オーナー・プラットフォーム(SDI‐ AOP)」を考案しています。アイテ・グループでは、この取り組みを「The SDI Asset Owner Platform: Sustinable Investing and SDG Alignment」としてレポートにまとめています。

■ ESGと機関投資家
機関投資家/個人投資家ともども、投資先の選択の際にESG(環境(Environment)社会(Social)ガバナンス(Governance))の観点から企業評価を行うことが一般化している。ESGは、企業経営に対して、財務面だけでなく社会面/環境面への配慮も必要であるとする概念で、国連が2006年に責任投資原則(PRI: Principles for Responsible Investment)として金融業界に提唱したことから普及が始まった。


June 10, 2021 by Leslie Parrish

Written by Leslie Parrish and Tiffani Montez

Even lenders with significant digital mortgage lending capabilities will tell you that attracting a potential borrower and moving them through the homeownership journey from loan application to closing is a significant time investment. Lenders face challenges in retaining borrowers throughout the homebuying journey and later when that customer wants to refinance or buy another home.

June 8, 2021 by Martina Conlon

After a year that tested insurers’ flexibility, agility, and creativity, innovation is top of mind more than ever. Innovation allows carriers to stay competitive, grow market share, meet evolving policyholder needs, and improve internal processes. Tactical, strategic, exploratory, and experimental innovation all promise to improve different aspects of any business. While innovation is a goal shared broadly across insurers of all sizes, successful execution of innovation initiatives can be a challenge.
