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June 21, 2021 by Robert McIsaac

Companies had to make quick and decisive moves to preserve operational integrity when COVID-19 struck in early 2020. These moves had major implications and needed to cut through organizational “noise” given the pandemic’s clear dangers. Yet, in retrospect, the decision to move to a “work from home” mode seems straightforward and surprisingly simple in contrast to what comes next. The black-and-white thinking of 2020 has been replaced with a palette of grays.

June 20, 2021 by Susumu Suzuki

企業がサイバー攻撃を受けたり情報漏洩が発生する背後には、ユーザーID/パスワードの不正流出があります。その解消策として、パスワードレス・ソリューションへの注目が高まっており、アイテグループでもこの動向を「Aite Matrix: Passwordless Authenitcation」にまとめました。

■ サイバーセキュリティ強化とパスワード


June 17, 2021 by Aite-Novarica Media

IT strategies establish a vision for the future and can be motivational if communicated properly. In my previous strategy blogs, we talked about understanding the hows and the whys of IT strategy. Having the answers to these questions makes communication easier, but a communication plan is still necessary.

June 16, 2021 by Tiffany Wang

Last week, Honeywell Quantum Solutions and Cambridge Quantum Computing announced a joint venture. The combined organization is the largest and most advanced quantum company in the world today. Honeywell anticipates investing between $270M-$300M in the new organization, which will help expand its quantum offerings.

June 15, 2021 by Aite-Novarica Media

How did you get into insurance?

I graduated from college with a degree in environmental science. For a couple years, I worked as a teaching assistant at a local school. I enjoyed the work as a TA; however, my schedule followed the school calendar, leaving summers available. In turn, I took a job at Transamerica as a CSR where I helped agents as they quoted business.

I learned some great lessons during my time at Transamerica. In particular, I learned how to provide great customer service in spite of potentially challenging circumstances. For instance, people would sometimes be upset when they called, so I learned how to deescalate situations.
