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August 17, 2021 by Nancy Casbarro

Increasingly restrictive data privacy regulations have made it more crucial than ever for insurers to have a carefully planned data strategy. Communication, teamwork, and a well-defined framework are critical to creating a successful data strategy. Organizations will face several complex challenges as they define their data strategies, but the rewards of robust data and analytics capabilities are well worth the effort.

August 10, 2021 by Joseph Krull

At Aite-Novarica Group we have covered the evolution and complexity of data privacy requirements.

August 10, 2021 by Martina Conlon

Traditional perception is that the commercial lines business is complex, relationship-based, and slow-moving. It has lagged personal lines in embracing technology. Still, as more business processes become digitized, commercial lines insurers have access to more data they can analyze with more powerful tools. Technology then augments and supports relationships rather than replacing them. As this happens, the commercial lines business continues to turn more of its attention to leveraging technology.

August 10, 2021 by Susumu Suzuki

米国の金融機関では、消費者ローンの審査にオルタナティブ・データの活用を進めていましたが、Non-Bankとの競争から本格的な取り組みを迫られており、加えて、ローン提供後における顧客の財務状況の変化を把握する試み(デフォルトを未然に防ぐ)も始まっています。アイテ・ノバリカ・グループでは、この分野の最新状況を「Alternative Data and Artificial Intellignece: Critical Tools in the Lending Toolbox」にまとめています。

■ 米国の消費者向けローン・ビジネス:事業環境
米国の消費者向けローン市場(住宅ローン/自動車ローン/無担保ローン/クレジット・カードなど)は、伝統的に銀行や信用金庫の市場だったが、最近はノンバンクの躍進が目立っており、住宅ローンの場合、インターネットで申込みを行うRocket Mortgageが2020年全米住宅ローン融資額トップとなった(米国住宅ローン市場では、トップ5のうち3社がNon-Bank)。


August 9, 2021 by Ken Toffolo

Recently, a hardware glitch in the Power Control Unit of the 30-year-old Hubble Space Telescope caused it to go dark for over a month. NASA was able to identify, test, and implement a workaround that involved switching over to backup hardware located in another module of the Hubble. Undoubtedly, this fix involved third-generation scientists consulting with members of the original development and maintenance team who have long since retired. They were able to apply another patch to a system that has gone way beyond its expected useful life.
