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April 19, 2018 by Jim Klotz

Amazon has announced it is shelving its plans to sell pharmaceuticals to hospitals. Amazon faced several major hurdles with the initiative, including how the healthcare industry is resistant to innovation. The other large takeaway is that Amazon has not completely abandoned the healthcare industry or the concept of being in the pharmaceutical business.

April 18, 2018 by Ken Toffolo

Life insurers are seeking to transform their contact centers to achieve the same levels of customer satisfaction as those delivered by retailers and by consumer finance. However, they face numerous challenges that have hindered their progress towards improving their capabilities.

April 17, 2018 by Robert McIsaac

For a while now, Silicon Valley has been viewed as a leading destination for innovation, as it is home to some of the world’s most forward-thinking technology companies, as well as exceptional talent. While insurers may not be able to replicate the exact science of Silicon Valley in their own regions, they should understand that significant organizational and cultural shifts can both attract the right talent and encourage the emergence of internal ideas.

April 16, 2018 by Ken Toffolo

I’ve been noodling on an idea ever since I started working with machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) software suites. Due to retirement and outsourcing, insurers are facing a steep drop in institutional knowledge about the industry, their products, and their processes. This knowledge was acquired over 20-30 years through a close working relationship between the business, IT, and the core systems in use. In many cases, these details are in the heads of a select few service reps, business analysts, and programmers.
