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March 19, 2018 by Shirley Inscoe

Real-time payments have existed in some other countries for several years, and they are now a reality in the United States. Many financial institutions (FIs) are offering their customers the ability to send money in real time to family and friends quickly and easily and, in many cases, without a charge. New payment types are evolving—business-to-business payments as well as person-to-business payments, business-to-person (B2P) payments, and person-to-person (P2P) payments are becoming mainstream.

Additional FIs are actively evaluating the market demand and deciding whether to offer real-time payments to their customers.

March 19, 2018 by chuck gomez

Large commercial brokers face transacting business with multiple carriers and distributors as their greatest technology challenge. In order to differentiate themselves in a competitive marketplace, brokers are seeking improved technology to transform the large commercial broker space.

March 16, 2018 by Chris Eberly

As previously reported and discussed, even though sales numbers for the annuity market struggled in 2017 they did look better in the fourth quarter for fixed products. Much of the reason for this late uptick in the year was attributed to the special transition period to 2019 of a good part of the DOL fiduciary rules, exemptions, and amendments. This could change and possibly put best-interest, commissions, and other topics back into the light as there seems to be a shift from the DOL to the SEC and NAIC according to a recent article on InsuranceNewsNet.

March 16, 2018 by Aite-Novarica Media

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are among many evolutionary technologies making inroads into conversations at all levels of technology leadership. These separate and distinct technologies may ultimately represent another channel through which insurance companies can serve digitally immersed stakeholders. They have potential real-world implications that span risk mitigation, improved efficiency and loss ratios, enhanced customer experience, and in this example, the potential power of healing.
