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E.g., 2024-10-23
E.g., 2024-10-23
March 20, 2023
Insurers invest tremendous resources in core technologies; after all, they’re a core part of the business. Whether it’s an individual component or a complete suite, replacing a core system is a serious undertaking. Both sides—vendors and carriers—stand to benefit from understanding how many deals are being made by their peers and with whom those deals are being made. On the one hand, insurers...
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March 20, 2023
API接続を活用して融資審査を行うSMB向けデジタル・ローンの話題です。米国では金融機関の30%程度がAPI融資を提供中、或いは提供する予定と想定されていますが、SMB経営者の80%以上が積極的に利用したい意向を示しており、デジタル融資事業が急速に立ち上がる様相です。弊社ではこの分野をレポート:Streaming Comes to SMB Lending: Don’t Be a Red Envelope にまとめています。         ■ SMB向けローン事業の難しさ 米国国勢調査局の調べによると、全米には社員20名以下のスモール・ビジネスが540万社あり、もし各社が7万5000ドルのローンを組んだと仮定すると、金融業界にとっては40億ドル規模の貸付市場があることになる。ただ現実には、...
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March 16, 2023
I recently had the opportunity to present on straight-through processing (STP) for claims at the NAMIC Claims Conference in Orlando, FL. In my opening comments, I stated that while STP is effective for certain, simpler claims, it is not a realistic objective for all claims. Rather than talking solely about STP, insurers and the vendors that support them should focus their efforts on claims...
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March 15, 2023
The insurance industry is grappling with significant, concurrent changes. But change itself is neither good nor bad. The shifts we see now in our business and economic climates are creating both opportunities and challenges for the industry. Those who ultimately “win” in this space will be those armed with the best combination of navigational and investment savvy.  A few weeks ago, I had...
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Robert McIsaac
March 14, 2023
The sudden collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, also known as SVB, has caused plenty of shock, but the fallout has yet to run its full course. What the loss of this top 20 bank means for the commercial banking space remains to be seen, but it looks like the Fed and other powers that be are doubling down on stabilizing things and avoiding wider contagion within the global banking environment. The...
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March 14, 2023
Regulatory intelligence involves monitoring, accumulating, and analyzing secondary research to anticipate developments in global legal and regulatory decisions and direction. Some might say it’s a pretty dry subject. But wait—don’t think of it as a stuffy topic only spoken of in boardrooms. Think of it instead as the superpower of seeing around corners. What if you were the prognosticator of...
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March 14, 2023
自社データセンターをアマゾンに売却するとともに、マイクロソフトAzureも併用するステート・ストリートのマルチ・クラウド戦略です。成果が注目されます。 ■ アウトソーシング・ビジネスの強化とクラウド移行の準備 ステート・ストリートは、18世紀に設立された米国の老舗金融機関で、主力ビジネスであるアセット・マネジメント企業向けカストディアン・サービスは1924年に開始された。 その後、バイサイド企業向けミドルオフィス・アウトソーシングやデータ・マネジメントがサービス・メニューが加わり、更に2018年には、アセット・マネジメント企業を対象にフロント・オフィス・トレーディング機能やポートフォリオ管理機能等を提供するCharles River Development社を買収して、バイサイド向け主要ビジネス・ソリューションを取り揃えた。2020年からは、これら"End-To-End...
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March 13, 2023
On Tuesday, February 21st, I co-hosted a webinar on the Top 10 Trends in Life, Annuity, & Benefits Insurance with my Aite-Novarica Group colleagues: Nancy Casbarro, Senior Principal; John Keddy, Senior Principal; and Ken Toffolo, Research Council Fellow. During this hour-long presentation, we discussed each of the 10 trends and shared our perspectives on how we see them impacting the life,...
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Robert McIsaac
March 9, 2023
Each year, Aite-Novarica Group identifies the top trends that will impact the insurance industry in the coming year. One sector of property/casualty insurance that we anticipate will remain at the forefront is MGAs; we also anticipate that MGA premium growth will continue to expand at a multiple of the overall property/casualty rate. Many may be surprised to learn that this channel has grown to...
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March 8, 2023
Women are no strangers to hard work. While things have improved economically for American women since the 1970s—when women gained the right to open credit cards in their own name, for example—there are still major inequities, and COVID-19 didn’t help. Many women working in service roles or who did not have the option to work remotely were laid off or had to shoulder additional caretaking...
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