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E.g., 2024-10-24
E.g., 2024-10-24
January 11, 2023
The forecast for 2023 will be a mix of changing dynamics, new headwinds, and an economic environment in flux. Shifting dynamics are taking automation and cloud deployments up in the form of technology innovations, as health firms embrace new automations to enhance payment capabilities and get comfortable with cloud architectures and embedded banking from financial services. Headwinds are...
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January 10, 2023
Financial institutions (FIs) are no longer dealing with the immediate adaptations that COVID-19 required. Instead, the financial services industry is back to playing catch up to rapidly evolving technology and an increasingly competitive environment that has produced new opportunities and unique challenges. Corporate end users continue to seek automated, intuitive payments and cash management...
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January 10, 2023
The reinsurance business continues to face multiple challenges. Years of soft market conditions followed by sudden, sharp hardening periods; tremendous losses from man-made and natural catastrophes; and open-ended liabilities (e.g., asbestos, terrorism) are still putting intense pressure on reinsurers. A newer development is capital constraints, with investors reluctant to invest in insurance-...
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January 10, 2023
米国の大手金融機関では、ここ1-2年パブリック・クラウド活用に関する発表が相次いでいます。それらをまとめるとともに、今後の動きを予想してみました。 ■ クラウドに対する認識のシフト 2022年は、これまでパブリック・クラウド利用に慎重だった金融機関が、その活用に舵を切った年だったとの評価になるかもしれない。アメリカン・バンカー誌が米国金融機関170行に実施した調査によると、40%が2023年のIT課題トップ5にパブリック・クラウド活用を挙げており、2023年末までに業務システムの20%以上がクラウドで稼働しているだろうとした銀行は80%に上った。 アイテ・ノバリカ・グループが2022年第4四半期に実施した調査でも、デジタルバンク/データ分析/コア・システム/セキュリティなどの分野でパブリック・クラウド利用が実用段階を迎えたと認識されており、平均20%...
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January 9, 2023
Global recession woes, climate change, and frayed political landscapes continue to test the financial services industry. As a result, financial institutions (FIs) are pressured to balance stability with growth, manage evolving consumer expectations, and keep up with technological advances while acknowledging the changing world around us. The survival of FIs and the vendors that work with them...
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January 5, 2023
Many of us are now finalizing plans and budgets for the new year, which appears to offer an array of both challenges and opportunities for insurance carriers. With fingers crossed, we are looking forward to a post-pandemic era, even while dealing with the consequences of compromised immune systems in many areas, making the health recovery seem bumpy at best. There’s been a headlong rush of...
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Robert McIsaac
January 5, 2023
アイテ・ノバリカ・グループでは、銀行/証券/保険など各調査チームが毎年1月にその年の「Top10 Trend レポート」をそれぞれ発行しますが、ここでは2023年に共通する方向感をまとめました。今年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 ■ 2021/2022年:パンデミックによる変化が加速 2020年初から始まったコロナ・パンデミックとそれに伴うロックダウンの結果、金融業界はその対応に追われながらも、生き残りをかけてデジタル・トランスフォーメーションを進めてきた。多数の金融機関が、デジタル・サービスにおけるカスタマー・エクスペリエンスを重要な差別化施策と位置づけ、最初はとまどっていた顧客もデジタル・サービスに対する期待値を高めてきている。 顧客とのやり取りがデジタル化され、顧客の足跡がデジタル情報として収集できる一方、クラウドでのデータ分析基盤が普及してきたことから、...
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January 4, 2023
The issues with Southwest Airlines over the holidays should be a learning moment for all CEOs who decided to delay crucial system upgrades to improve profitability. Many CIOs have been in the situation where executives don’t understand the importance of investing in crucial “back-office” systems and processes. From the press reports, it sounds as if that is what happened to Southwest....
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January 3, 2023
As we close the book on 2022, it’s perhaps appropriate to consider how different the year we are entering will be from the past years we remember fondly. For insurance carrier IT organizations, planning for the future now will be key. As the quote typically attributed to Winston Churchill goes, “Generals are always ready to fight the last war.” The corporate equivalent of this is to think that a...
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Robert McIsaac
December 23, 2022
On December 20, 2022, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published guidelines to enhance the harmonization and standardization of reporting under EMIR with broader global standards.  The rules are being rewritten to enhance transparency and increase data quality in the reporting process. The guidelines have a broad impact across trade, transaction, life-cycle events,...
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