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October 31, 2022
クラウド・コンピューティングの利用が広まるにつれ、当初懸念のあった「システムの信頼性」や「セキュリティ確保」という課題も解消され、それがクラウド利用が増える好循環を生んでいます。金融機関でのクラウド利用本格化も視野に入る中、アイテ・ノバリカ・グループでは、金融機関のIT部門が何を見直し/何を準備しておかなければならないか、チェック・ポイント10項目をレポート「CIO/CTO Checklist: MANAGING THE ARCHITECTURE OF MULTI-CLOUD ENVIRONMENTS」にまとめました。   ■ クラウド・コンピューティングの発達と金融機関の認識 2005年前後から利用が始まったクラウド・コンピューティングは、コンピュータ資源(サーバー/記憶装置/ソフトウエアなど)をネットワーク経由で提供するサービスで、「初期投資不要」「...
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October 27, 2022
We have raced into the final quarter of 2022. Somehow we’re less than 90 days from the proverbial finish line—it feels like we’ve entered a completely different zone from the early part of the year. In the immortal, and somewhat irreverent, words of Jerry Garcia, “What a long, strange trip it’s been.” Earlier in 2022, we experienced multiple points that seemed like they might have been...
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Robert McIsaac
October 25, 2022
Core system technology projects are among the most risky, complex, and expensive efforts insurer IT teams can undertake. The core policy system is at the center of an insurer’s business, so it’s critical to get it right. Examples of successful projects are invaluable as roadmaps to follow. Aite-Novarica Group’s Insurance Technology Impact Awards exist for just this reason: to create clear...
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October 20, 2022
Between inflation, the Great Resignation, and lurking threats of a COVID-19 rebound, healthcare payers now find themselves in a radically different environment than prior years. One of the most significant changes is in the member profiles. Next-generation members especially are cost-conscious, tech-savvy, and rely on technology for daily interactions. Health plans’ member engagement functions...
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October 18, 2022
On September 28th, I hosted the latest meeting of the Aite-Novarica Group Women’s Network, titled A View from the Top: Experiences of Women CEOs. We were joined by guest panelists Meryl Golden (President, Kingstone Insurance), Michele Streton (President and CEO, Providence Mutual), and Cynthia Tidwell (former President and CEO, Royal Neighbors of America) who shared their experiences and...
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October 15, 2022
日本の証券業界では、リテール・ウェルス・マネジメント(WM)事業におけるフィー・ベース・モデルへの転換が大きな課題となっています。米国では、証券会社がWMを重点事業としている点は同様ですが、注力領域は多少異なり「マス富裕層市場」や「銀行のWMサービス参入」が大きな流れとなっています。アイテ・ノバリカ・グループでは、この背景や動向をレポート「Special Bonds That Tie Bank Broker-Dealers to Parent Banks」にまとめています。 ■ 米国ウェルス・マネジメント市場 日本のリテール証券事業では、事業モデルの転換(=証券売買サービス(売買毎の手数料課金)から、資産運用に対するアドバイス・サービス(預かり資産額に応じたフィー課金)への移行)が大きな課題となっている。一方米国では、フィー課金モデルへの移行は既に一段落しているが、...
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October 13, 2022
On September 29th, Aite-Novarica Group’s Insurance practice facilitated a Special Interest Group meeting focused on innovation and emerging technology. Our Special Interest Groups are confidential knowledge-sharing meetings where our team shares recent research and participants discuss industry trends, challenges, and opportunities. This session began with a focus on some key takeaways from...
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Robert McIsaac
October 12, 2022
On September 8th, Aite-Novarica Group hosted our fourth quarterly Financial Services CIO/CTO Advisory Research Council meeting. A select group of CIOs, CTOs, and heads of architecture at banks and financial institutions (FIs) gathered to discuss challenges and share successes and insights from their digital transformation initiatives. Below are some key insights from the discussion. Digital...
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October 11, 2022
Moving into what I hope we will soon be able to call the “post-pandemic” era has led to an array of changes in operating models, including the opportunity to once again enjoy the richness of in-person events. This was brought home for the Aite-Novarica Group Insurance practice recently when we hosted our first Research Council Meeting since 2019. The InsureTech Connect conference provided the...
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Robert McIsaac
October 6, 2022
The period since the pandemic began has been one of fits and starts, ups and downs, as we’ve tried to adapt to a changed reality. So many things we’d taken for granted suddenly seemed simply out of reach.  But adapt we did. Over the past two and a half years, we’ve perfected an array of digital connections, learned the pros (and cons) of video meetings, perfected models for “working from...
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Robert McIsaac


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