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E.g., 2024-10-23
E.g., 2024-10-23
January 24, 2023
Insurance has traditionally been viewed as resilient to recession and economic uncertainty. Yet, besides the tough economic conditions, the insurance industry is facing an unprecedented number of business challenges: increasing claims severity rates due to supply chain issues and rising inflation, climate risk and ever more frequent natural catastrophes, increased regulatory oversight, and...
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January 23, 2023
The last two years have dramatically impacted the life insurance industry. As the pandemic has gone on, remote work, a talent shortage, social distancing, and direct reminders of mortality have been impacting the daily lives of customers, distribution partners, and insurers. These factors have led to changes in the processes for underwriting, applying for policies, and distribution. Ongoing...
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Robert McIsaac
January 20, 2023
As the economy transitions from post-COVID to prerecession conditions, a sea of change is washing over the cybersecurity industry. Changing economic conditions and evolving approaches to secure digital assets will create a frothy cybersecurity sea in 2023 for chief information security officers (CISOs) and other risk leaders at financial services firms. These changes will be good for some and...
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January 19, 2023
Coming out of 2021, society was slowly getting out of the pandemic’s vise grip and returning to a new state of normal. Even so, financial services organizations and their financial crimes leaders continued to navigate a complicated global ecosystem, particularly as organized crime sustained its relentless assault against financial services firms, businesses, and consumers. Economic uncertainty...
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January 18, 2023
Changing product dynamics, fee compression, geopolitical unrest, weaponization of commodities, and an aggressive regulatory agenda have been recurring drivers in the capital markets industry. As the broader capital markets ecosystem enters 2023, it is tempting to think the same long-term trends will shape the coming year, and perhaps they will. But Aite-Novarica Group believes there are more...
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Gavin Little-Gill
January 18, 2023
It’s a demanding moment in time for IT organizations at financial institutions (FIs), which must maintain regulatory compliance while keeping up with their competitors. As institutions continue to compete for talent, transform digitally, and enhance their data quality and variety, new technologies such as multi-cloud and distributed ledger creep closer upon the horizon. In 2023, many IT...
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January 17, 2023
As recently as three years ago, the financial services industry—including wealth management—was still just exploring the possibilities enabled by advancements in technology and how they might affect products, channel alignments, and operational strategies. It’s 2023 now, and Aite-Novarica Group has observed some of what these initiatives have rendered possible. We’ve seen examples of modern...
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David Himmel
January 16, 2023
In central North Carolina, we are graced with unusual art sculptures which look, for all the world, like giant pinwheels. They are, in fact, exactly that—the product of the ingenious mind of Vollis Simpson. His art went from curiosities which graced his farm in Wilson County to something which came to be part of Baltimore’s Inner Harbor and Atlanta’s Olympic Village. And of course, today, the...
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Robert McIsaac
January 14, 2023
2022年11月のリリース以来、「ついに汎用人口知能の出現か?」と話題になっているChatGPT(Generative Pre-trained Transformer)ですが、生徒がエッセイの宿題を人工知能に書かせるのではとの懸念から、多数の教育委員会がChatGPTの利用制限を発表しています。一方、アーリーアダプターの先生方は授業への応用を始めており、成果があがっているとの報道もなされています。ここでは12月から1月のChatGPTに関する報道をまとめてみました(素早い動きが素晴らしいと思います)。 ■ 高性能チャットボットの出現 2022年11月にOpenAI社がリリースした対話型人工知能ChatGPT(ベータ版)に注目が集まっている。ChatGPTは、従来のチャット・ボットに比べて、自然言語処理の能力が飛躍的に高まっており、多くの質問に自然で適切な回答を返すことができる...
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January 12, 2023
For the time being, the pandemic feels largely over, at least from the perspective of lockdowns, mandatory masks, social distancing, and widespread quarantines. For nearly three years, organizations have sprinted to respond to the new realities of digital servicing, remote work, talent shortages, resignations, and getting sick. It was a dizzying, chaotic, and roll-with-the-punches time for...
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