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E.g., 2024-10-23
May 8, 2023
量子コンピュータ技術は、20世紀には理論でしかありませんでしたが、2010年頃からはハードウエア開発が始まり、2020年頃からは研究者向けの利用が可能となって、将来のビジネスへの影響が論じられるようになりました。ここでは、金融業界における現状認識をまとめてみました。 ■ 量子コンピュータの適用分野 量子コンピュータは、量子力学を活用して従来の電子回路では難しい非常に複雑な計算を短時間で実行する仕組みで、2010年頃からは具体的なハードウエア開発が始まり、2020年頃からは研究者向けのサービス提供が始まっている。ビジネス界では、大量のデータ分析や複雑なシミュレーション、AIや機械学習のレベルアップ/スピードアップ等でメリットがあると考えられている。 金融業界でも様々な分野での応用が考えられ、実証実験やベンダーとの共同研究を始めた企業も出現している。...
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May 4, 2023
Managing general agencies (MGAs) are in the news, either in their own right or as targets for acquisition. MGAs have historically been a profitable and high-growth distribution channel, especially for commercial and specialty lines. Vendors are increasingly targeting MGAs in addition to their core carrier bases. But the definition of MGA is slippery. Though it has an official/regulatory...
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May 3, 2023
One of the most exploitable assets of an IT estate is the information and assets of users; however, identities are often omitted from instantiation in an attack surface. Organizations must stop thinking of identities as only something to control access and start thinking of identities as a top domain asset that is the entre to an attack surface. One must remember that an asset is anything of...
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May 2, 2023
We live in a time of amazing changes, both in terms of technology and the economic environment around us. These changes create new opportunities as well as significant threats for insurance carriers, which may well be the operational equivalent of deciding if a glass is half full…or half empty. Opportunity and threats are, in reality, opposite sides of the same coin. I recently had the...
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Robert McIsaac
April 30, 2023
2022年11月のリリース以来、世界中の注目が集まるChatGPT(Generative Pre-trained Transformer)ですが、登録ユーザーは2か月で1億人を突破、現在では毎日5000万回のアクセスがあると推計されています。一方、ChatGPTのような大規模言語モデル(LLM:Large Language Model)をどうビジネスに応用するのかの検討もはじまっており、ここでは現時点での論議をまとめてみました。 ■ 大きな関心と大きな懸念 ChatGPTは、最新鋭の自然言語処理(NLP:Natural Language Processing)技術であり、最も進んだ対話型インターフェースを提供していることから、その技術力に大きな称賛が寄せられている。一方、その完成度の高さゆえ、人間がだまされてしまう懸念や悪用が心配されている。 「...
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April 28, 2023
Aite-Novarica Group advisors Stephanie Dalwin and Gilles Ubaghs have no shortage of experience working with technology startups in their respective verticals. In part one and part two of this three-part series, Stephanie and Gilles discussed key issues facing technology startups in their areas of coverage. Technology vendors in commercial banking and insurance are experiencing...
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April 27, 2023
Community banks aren’t known for being the technology trailblazers of the financial services industry. Big spending on experimental technology is beyond the means of most small-to-midsized banks’ IT organizations at the best of times. But quantum computing is one area of emerging technology they may not be able to afford to neglect. So, what do banking IT leaders need to know about quantum?...
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April 26, 2023
The term “embedded finance” refers to the integration of financial services and products into the business processes and platforms of non-financial entities. For example, an e-commerce platform that allows its customers to open a bank account, make a payment, or apply for a loan without leaving the platform is using embedded finance. But embedded finance is not just about enabling transactions...
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April 25, 2023
Much has been reported on the declining venture capital (VC) deals across the cybersecurity market, but is that true? The answer depends on how you look at the question. If one were to focus on the number of deals, the answer would be no. If one were to look at the size of the individual deals, the answer would be yes. The number of investment deals per month is slightly less than the ensuing...
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April 24, 2023
Most people remember Michael J. Fox’s starring turn in the bit of Hollywood magic that highlights a 30-year jump back in time, landing him in the 1950s, before space travel, the Beatles, and pervasive computing of any kind. Today, a similar leap would take us to the dawn of the internet era, a world when client-server computing was at its zenith and some questioned the future viability of Apple...
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Robert McIsaac


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