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E.g., 2024-10-24
E.g., 2024-10-24
December 1, 2022
Complexity gets most of the attention when attempting to explain or prevent the failure of big projects—including IT projects. This makes sense: It’s impossible for any one person to grasp all the knock-on effects any big project will have. Preparation and planning are key, but some factors will always be missed. Poor project management usually also means that the team is not proactively...
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November 30, 2022
The very recent news about AP Moller-Maersk and IBM eliminating TradeLens—a blockchain-based digital trade platform—has caught many by surprise as there was no evidence that the situation had worsened to this point. While I cannot claim that I told you so, I can certainly assert that what I wrote in September 2016, Trade Facilitation and Trade Financing: Building New Bridges, and April 2019,...
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November 29, 2022
On Tuesday, November 1st, I hosted the Insurance practice’s Agile Special Interest Group with my colleague, Aite-Novarica Group Senior Principal Martin Higgins. Special Interest Group sessions are exclusive opportunities for Aite-Novarica Group Insurance practice clients and Insurance Technology Research Council members to review recent trends and relevant research, share knowledge, and learn...
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November 28, 2022
Anyone reading the financial and technology news in recent weeks could easily be led to assume there is a crisis happening in the technology space and that the only way from here is down. With tech stocks taking a beating in recent months, and a growing list of scandals and debacles, from the sentencing of Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes; the drama of the self-induced implosion of Twitter;...
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November 25, 2022
2022年10月、ゴールドマン・サックスは、大規模な組織変更を発表しましたが、中でも新設されたプラットフォーム・ソリューション部門が注目されています。その概要をまとめてみました。 ■ ゴールドマン・サックスの組織変更と「Plarform Solutions部門」の創設 2022年10月、大手金融機関のゴールドマン・サックス(GS)は、大規模な組織変更を発表した。これまでの四事業部制から、投資銀行部門とトレーディング部門を一部門に、またアセットマネジメント部門とウェルスマネジメント部門を統合するとともに、第三の柱としてプラットフォーム・ソリューション(PS)部門を新設した。 今回の変更は、経済環境の不透明化を背景に、市況に左右されやすい事業と安定的収益が見込める部門のバランスをとるとともに、中長期的には金融サービス・デジタル化の動きをにらんだ布陣と考えられている...
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November 23, 2022
On Thursday, October 27th, I hosted the Aite-Novarica Data and Analytics Special Interest Group meeting along with my colleagues Martin Higgins, Senior Principal, and Stuart Rose, Strategic Advisor. Special Interest Group Meetings are exclusive opportunities for Aite-Novarica Group clients and Insurance Technology Research Council members to review recent trends and Aite-Novarica Group Insurance...
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November 22, 2022
Recent data shows that in the first nine months of 2022, investors in Europe favored “dark green” investment funds with specific sustainable investment objectives over those that broadly integrate or promote environmental, social, and governance (ESG) characteristics. The EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) lays out three categories for investment funds to identify with...
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November 21, 2022
One of the truly catchy tunes from late in the 20th century was “Closing Time,” where Semisonic popularized a quote usually attributed to the Roman philosopher Seneca the Younger: Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. With less than two months left in 2022, we’re hurtling to the conclusion of a year that many will likely want to forget. At the same time, we’re racing into...
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Robert McIsaac
November 18, 2022
2022年10月23日からラスベガスで開催されたペイメント分野最大のイベントMoney20/20の参加報告です。アイテ・ノバリカ・グループ・アドバイザー:David Matteiが同イベントを不正防止の視点からまとめたものの翻訳版です(オリジナル英語版はこちらから)。 ■ 今年のテーマは「アイデンティティ」 米国のビジネス界は、コロナ・パンデミック以前の状況に戻りつつあるが、本年のMoney20/20も例外ではなく、昨年の2倍の15,000人が参加して開催された。ベンダー展示フロアを歩けば、本年のメインテーマが「アイデンティティ」であることは一目瞭然であった。不正防止ベンダー/セキュリティ・プロバイダーの大半が、金融機関やマーチャントが求める「高次元のユーザー認証」に応えるソリューションを全面に打ち出していた。 これらのツールは「新規口座開設」「オンライン経由の各種申込...
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November 17, 2022
In the institutional market, understanding the business model of your counterparties is paramount. Following the financial crisis of 2008, regulatory initiatives in the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives market have made this a key focus. The question is: Will the FTX bankruptcy be enough to push through new reforms in the digital assets markets? A lot more will be uncovered in the coming...
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