Blogs by Aite-Novarica Media

May 18, 2021

How did you get into insurance?

My uncle is a principal at my current agency, Cornerstone Insurance Group. He always encouraged me to join him as a producer. His work seemed interesting, but at the time, I enjoyed working in the hospitality industry. I planned private events and met interesting people along the way. As the pandemic’s health guidelines came into effect, there was no need for private events, so I finally took my uncle up on his offer. It has been the best decision of my life, and I see myself staying in insurance for the long haul.

May 4, 2021

How did you get into insurance?

While I was studying at college, my brother had some health challenges which required specialized care and treatment. His health-care provider dropped his coverage, so our family took on the responsibility of paying for his care. Doing my part, I left college and found a job to earn money.
