
May 23, 2018 2:00 PM ET

New Account Fraud: Financial Infinity War

Fraudsters are currently winning the war on the new account fraud battlefront, with losses mounting for U.S. financial institutions, lenders, fintechs, and other businesses. Organized criminals have plenty of weapons in their arsenal, ranging from vast quantities of breached data to carefully cultivated synthetic identities.

How can businesses keep pace with the rising tide of financial fraud, while still maintaining a customer-friendly onboarding experience?

Register today for an informative webinar, where you'll hear hot-off-the press research from Julie Conroy (Aite Group) and Chris Luttrell (IDology) that examines the latest trends in new account fraud in the U.S. You’ll learn:

- The latest attack vectors and successful defensive strategies deployed by businesses.
- The role of customer experience as businesses are evaluating new technologies to deploy.
- Consumer insights on new account opening via digital channels, and how low security and high effort can lead to abandonment.



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