Blogs by Ken Toffolo

April 18, 2018

Life insurers are seeking to transform their contact centers to achieve the same levels of customer satisfaction as those delivered by retailers and by consumer finance. However, they face numerous challenges that have hindered their progress towards improving their capabilities.

April 16, 2018

I’ve been noodling on an idea ever since I started working with machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) software suites. Due to retirement and outsourcing, insurers are facing a steep drop in institutional knowledge about the industry, their products, and their processes.

April 6, 2018

I will be hosting the Life Insurance Special Interest Group (SIG) at the upcoming Novarica Research Council Meeting. In preparation, I have been reaching out to Council members to discuss the key opportunities and challenges facing their companies. There are three dominant themes of these discussions: user experience, underwriting automation, and ubiquitous security.
