Blogs by Robert McIsaac

June 6, 2018

There’s little doubt that we are seeing significant advances in the practical application of technology in the insurance industry today. From the pursuit of API strategies, to the increased workloads placed on cloud environments, to the effective use of mobile capabilities, to reimagining experiences across the value chain, the advances are noteworthy.

May 31, 2018

With the Great Recession now a fading memory for many, and employment data being generally positive, there are new opportunities and challenges for life insurance carriers to address. Recent LIMRA data suggests that growth rates per annum over the next four years will be 1-2%. Younger consumers are not usually interested in traditional life product offerings as they are delaying many of the life events that might have triggered purchases in the past.

May 24, 2018

I recently had the pleasure of leading a Special Interest Group of insurer CIOs in the group life/voluntary benefits space during the 11th annual Novarica Insurance Technology Research Council meeting.
