Blogs by Tari Schreider

May 31, 2023

Open banking will change the business model of many organizations by empowering them to seek life-sustaining partnerships, leveling the competitive playing field of consumer acquisition and retention. Small to midsize businesses (SMBs) can partner with myriad financial entities to serve as an on-ramp to sought-after financial products. “Too big to fail” joins “too small to survive” to create a new business ecosystem, allowing consumers unprecedented self-management of their finances and SMBs access to financial lifelines to grow their business.

May 24, 2023

There is no argument that the COVID-19 pandemic uprooted the world's economy, but has it equally disrupted venture capital (VC) and private equity (PE) investment in the cybersecurity industry?

To answer this question, Aite-Novarica Group analyzed 1,346 startup and scale-up investments from 2019 to April 2023. The results were somewhat unexpected: The gloomy investment picture reported by the press was not as dire as depicted, but it contained some cautionary tales. In this period, nearly US$50 billion has poured into cybersecurity companies.

May 3, 2023

Introducing the Insurance Data and Analytics Maturity ModelOne of the most exploitable assets of an IT estate is the information and assets of users; however, identities are often omitted from instantiation in an attack surface.

April 25, 2023

Much has been reported on the declining venture capital (VC) deals across the cybersecurity market, but is that true? The answer depends on how you look at the question. If one were to focus on the number of deals, the answer would be no. If one were to look at the size of the individual deals, the answer would be yes.
