
Thursday Jul 29, 2021 | 2:00 p.m. CET

Holistic TMS vs. Best-of-breed: Why my CIO doesn’t get it?

The debate among corporate treasurers and vendors today is to determine what constitutes the "core" of a TMS and what the "ancillary" services/ applications. This brings to the new concept of Treasury Management ECOSystems in which the core elements connect to best-of-bred by means of innovative channels, e.g., APIs.

It seems, though, that corporate IT managers are reluctant to the idea of dealing with multiple systems, so they tend to prefer a single solution provided by a single vendor. This clashes with the requirements of corporate treasury, hence the need to find the right approach to satisfy both ends. This session will provide real-life examples of how companies have resolved an apparently exacerbated issue.

Key reasons to attend:

  • Participate in the interactive discussion covering some of the industry’s hottest topics and use cases on building the right fintech ecosystem to fulfill corporate treasurers' expectations.
  • Network and exchange ideas with webcast presenters and attendees via chat line.
  • Hear from Aite Group analysts about key trends impacting your business and recommendations for how to best position your organization for success in today’s evolving industry.


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