HSA Competitive Landscape: Redrawing the Battle Lines

The latest Aite Group report finds that a period of change in the HSA landscape will challenge all stakeholders to be aware of the threats and pursue opportunities.

Boston, March 18, 2021  — The competitive landscape of health savings accounts has seen a dynamic period of change and expansion in the last two years as financial advisors, retirement planners, life insurers, and other financial institutions have started to step into the HSA market. In doing so, they are not only raising the visibility of these accounts but also redrawing old borders and claiming land away from traditional players. A new Aite Group report, HSA Competitive Landscape: Redrawing the Battle Lines, examines the evolving competitive landscape of HSAs. 

“The HSA landscape is undergoing a period of change, with a growing number of stakeholders entering the scene; each of those stakeholders brings onto the field its own strengths but also the critical blind spots and threats it is not aware of,” explains Inci Kaya, senior analyst at Aite Group. “As each group stakes its claim on HSAs, those that pay attention to those blind spots and act accordingly will accumulate more power to redraw the HSA battle lines in their favor,” she adds.

This report reviews stakeholders active in HSAs, explores their legacy orientation, and lays out their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is based on Q2 and Q3 2020 Aite Group interviews with 58 executives who hold senior management, marketing, customer relations, strategy, and development roles at health plans, technology platforms, TPAs, financial advisors and retirement planners, benefit brokers, and bank and nonbank custodians.
To request a press copy of this report or to speak with Inci Kaya about this topic, please contact us at [email protected].

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Aite Group is a global research and advisory firm delivering comprehensive, actionable advice on business, technology, and regulatory issues and their impact on the financial services industry. With expertise in banking, payments, insurance, wealth management, and the capital markets, we guide financial institutions, technology providers, and consulting firms worldwide. We partner with our clients, revealing their blind spots and delivering insights to make their businesses smarter and stronger. Visit us on the web and connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Press Contact:
Siobhan Scanlan
Public Relations
[email protected]

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