Blogs by John Keddy

January 13, 2022

Before the Great Resignation There Was the Great DisconnectThere is no doubt that the Great Resignation is occurring. The voluntary resignation rate continues to rise, reaching another record level in November.

January 6, 2022

Is Your Labor Market "on Sale?" So What--Is That Really New?Aite-Novarica Group has been actively covering work from home, return to office, work from anywhere, hybrid work models, and similar workforce-related themes since the pandemic began.

December 9, 2021

No Cloud Is Perfect, but There Are Silver LiningsOn December 7th, AWS experienced a widespread outage. When large public cloud providers have widescale issues, there can be, in non-technical terms, two results.

December 8, 2021

Thou Shalt Not Retain ForeverOver the past year, ANG has been very active in providing insights on WFH (AKA “work from anywhere”), RTO (all flavors), and other topics related to how employees and employers will engage in 2022 and beyond. Samples of these insights include:
