Blogs by Samantha Chow

July 5, 2016

Distribution is a question and concern on every life insurance and annuities company’s mind. What new channels should we experiment in? What should our distribution strategy look like? What types of consumers are most important to our strategy, and how do we reach them? What type of products are most important to our strategy, and what consumers are they fit for? All of these questions are being pondered today in an effort to define the distribution strategies of tomorrow.

May 18, 2016

Change is happening all around the life insurance industry, and unless carriers have the tools necessary to make changes or even keep up with the change, they will fall behind. Their legacy systems are preventing them from moving into the next generation of life insurance and stressing a market that is prime for innovation.

February 29, 2016

Insurance carriers have been collecting data and information since the Stone Age, it seems. The amount of data they have on their current and past policyholders as well as consumers that have inquired yet never purchased is far more extensive than that of any other industry. But what are they doing with the data?

January 11, 2016

We are only several days into the new year and life insurance executives everywhere are scurrying to figure out how to meet their 2016 goals (or catch up on any 2015 goals). As life insurance companies shift their focus to the customer—the policyholder/prospect and not the agent—improving underwriting has been front and center. Surprisingly, though, many insurers remain unaware of the full extent of solutions available to improve their underwriting processes.
