
The Places in Between: A Lastline Case Study

The market of network intrusion detection systems has reached its inflection point as network threat analysis solutions have emerged.

Boston, April 25, 2019 – Lastline Defender is a network threat analysis solution that uses multiple lines of defense for detecting threats on the network. This new breed of threat detection solution combines machine learning, pattern matching, and anti-malware in a single network security control, all but creating a wide open market and rendering legacy signature detection systems irrelevant.

This report covers the technology, architecture, and capabilities of Lastline’s product from the author’s perspective. It dives into the Lastline solution’s sense and response efficacy, and leverages feedback from an enterprise customer. The data for this report was collected in the first quarter of 2019 through firsthand usage of the product and first-person interviews with a Lastline enterprise customer.

This 15-page Impact Note contains two figures and four tables. Clients of Aite Group’s Cybersecurity service can download this report, the corresponding charts, and the Executive Impact Deck.

This report mentions Amazon Web Services, Dell,, HP, Lastline, Suricata, and VMWare.

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