
Fixing Vulnerabilities in Active Directory and Kerberos

While financial institutions are familiar with locking important assets in a vault, their network’s vault remains unlocked.

Boston, October 20, 2020 – Nestled deep in most networks is such a popular destination for attackers that network security, endpoint security, and cloud security vendors make it their prime directive to catch bad activities before attackers reach this enticing target. The place all attacks seem to be worming their way toward is Active Directory. Microsoft’s Active Directory is the treasure trove of all privileges and credentials—the master key that unlocks every account, every server, every bit of valuable data—and its lack of intrinsic security is legendary.

Clients of Aite Group’s Cybersecurity service can download this seven-page Impact Brief. To learn more about the topic covered in this Impact Brief, please contact us at [email protected].

This report mentions QOMPLX.

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