Buy-Side Front-Office Trends: Consolidation of Desktop Tools
Report Summary
Buy-Side Front-Office Trends: Consolidation of Desktop Tools
Convergence of OMS and EMS functionality will continue, driven by customer demand and industry competition.
Boston, April 20, 2017 – As electronification expands across different asset classes and regions of the world, buy-side firms have continued to invest in the development and maintenance of their trading infrastructure. Over the last two decades, major buy-side firms globally have adopted OMSs and EMSs in droves. But as the buy-side has begun to consolidate its front-office technology footprint, both the OMS and EMS vendor markets remain competitive.
Based on a quantitative survey of buy-side industry participants conducted by Aite Group between April and July 2016, this report provides insight into how these platforms are being leveraged, end users’ general perceptions on the quality of these systems, and important factors leading to end users’ upcoming decisions for system overhaul or replacement purchases. It is the second of a series of two reports covering front-office behavioral trends at asset management firms—find the first here.
This 40-page Impact Report contains 26 figures and three tables. Clients of Aite Group’s Institutional Securities & Investments service can download this report, the corresponding charts, and the Executive Impact Deck.
This report mentions BlackRock, Bloomberg, Broadridge, Charles River Development, Eze Software Group, Fidessa, FIS, FlexTrade, Indata, ITG, Linedata, IHS Markit, Instinet (Nomura), Morgan Stanley, Portware (FactSet), SimCorp, SS&C, Thomson Reuters REDI, Tethys, Tora Trading Services, TradingScreen, and UBS.