Buy-Side Front-Office Trends: The ABCs of Trading Behavior
Report Summary
Buy-Side Front-Office Trends: The ABCs of Trading Behavior
Maintaining efficiency requires standardized tool sets and workflows as desks utilize more diverse trading instruments.
Boston, March 16, 2017 – As electronification expands across different asset classes, instrument types, and investment activities throughout different regions of the world, buy-side firms have to upgrade and improve their front-office technology. And while the sell-side pulls back on loss-leading services, many buy-side firms are reinvesting in areas in which they can deliver value to their clients. What trends can buy-side firms look toward to determine how to best allocate resources and understand costs?
This report is the first in a series of two covering front-office behavioral trends at asset management firms and focuses on trading and risk management practices and behaviors. It is based on an online survey of 42 buy-side industry participants conducted by Aite Group throughout the second half of 2016.
This 30-page Impact Report contains 19 figures. Clients of Aite Group’s Institutional Securities & Investments service can download this report, the corresponding charts, and the Executive Impact Deck.
This report mentions Thomson Reuters and Albourne Partners.