
Big Tech Arms Race: The Race to Cybersecurity Dominance

Buyers should be cautious of the need to adopt different cybersecurity solutions among private, public, and hybrid clouds.  

March 30, 2022 A security arms race is afoot among three big-tech companies, and the outcome could dramatically affect how organizations select, use, or retain public cloud-computing platforms as these big-tech companies push forward becoming the one-stop-shopping source for cloud computing, with world-class cybersecurity services. The arms race has quietly been going on for years. But it is hushed no more, as a competitive salvo fired recently by Google toward Microsoft to win a hotly contested bidding war to acquire one of the largest cybersecurity companies in the world brings the arms race to life. Is it time to take sides?

This Impact Brief takes a side-by-side look at Amazon’s, Google’s, and Microsoft’s security portfolios and makes some predictions on how the proverbial arms dealers in this race should grow their security portfolios. The report suggests where this arms race is headed, making it of equal interest to chief information security officers (CISOs), procurers of cybersecurity services, and sellers of cloud-computing services.

Clients of Aite-Novarica Group’s Cybersecurity service can download this 15-page Impact Brief. To learn more about the topic covered in this Impact Brief, please contact us at [email protected].

This report mentions Activision Blizzard Inc., Adallom, Alphabet, Aorato, CloudKnox, Cohesity, CrowdStrike, CyberX, Druva, FireEye Inc., GreenBorder,, Hexadite, Imperium, Mandiant LLC, Netflix, Noname Security, PillPack, reCAPTCHA, RedSeal, ReFirm Labs, RiskIQ, Salt Security, Secure Islands, Siemplify, SlickLogin, Sqrrl, Symphony Technology Group, Traceable,, Whole Foods Markets, Zappos, and Zynamics.

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