2014 Council Meeting Report

Report Summary

2014 Council Meeting Report

May 2014 - Novarica’s 7th Annual Council Meeting on May 1, 2014 was attended by more than 70 insurer CIOs and senior IT leaders.

The discussions were focused on three major issues: Change, Legacy, and Disparity. These themes crossed discussions of market trends and changing expectations for technology-enabled capabilities, the role of data and analytics, and the continuing challenge of modernizing or replacing legacy systems.

The theme of becoming more Demand-Led, rather than Capabilities-Led in market, operational, and technology planning also emerged in many of the same conversations.

This report summarizes key discussions from the meeting and highlights related Novarica research.

Trends and Pressures..3
Data and Analytics…5
Legacy Systems…8
Concluding Thoughts…10
Related Research…10
About Novarica…11


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