Blogs by Inci Kaya

December 7, 2021

A Pragmatic View of Digital COVID Vaccine CredentialsIn August 2021, I wrote a blog article about digital COVID vaccine records, a

August 9, 2021

In June and July 2021, the New York Times published multiple articles on the role of a COVID-19 vaccine identity pass and the trials and tribulations associated with its rollout.

May 5, 2021

Health plans, like any commercial enterprise, are constantly on a quest for improving their bottom lines by applying the following three strategic levers across their organization: improving operational efficiency, reducing costs, or improving revenue. Hand in hand with these strategic initiatives come their operational siblings―identifying leaks, remedying inaccuracies, and determining inefficiencies―to address and eliminate them. Preventing those leaks or inaccuracies from happening in the first place is ideal.

April 29, 2021

On April 17, 2021, The New York Times published an article under its Retiring section titled “Rising Debt, Falling Income: How to Dig Out.” The article showcased individuals and families affected financially due to job losses related to COVID-19 or other economic factors, ailing family members with high medical bills, insufficient awareness of the implications of having credit card balances, and limited savings.
