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May 14, 2021 by Tom Benton

As interest rates stay low and competition for customers stays high, life and annuity insurers are focusing on improving digital customer experiences and the speed of new business processes. Insurers are mindful of the importance of deploying capabilities that can support multiple distribution channels and leveraging key components to provide holistic, unified experiences.

May 13, 2021 by Mitch Wein

Claims transformation is about using technology to give people new tools that help them be even better at what they do best, according to a panel of claims experts Novarica hosted at our recent Special Interest Group meeting.

May 11, 2021 by Matthew Josefowicz

The term “digital platform” is just as ambiguous within insurance as the term “digital strategy.” A wide range of solutions all market themselves as digital platforms, from development platforms and low-code/no-code toolsets to pre-built portals and even hubs and intermediaries.

In practice, formulating a digital strategy means defining the priorities and objectives for investing in specific capabilities. Insurers thinking about digital platforms should make sure they clearly understand their digital strategy and its objectives.

May 10, 2021 by Matthew Josefowicz

Insurers have traditionally balanced security against expense and inconvenience to their users, especially if they market coverages to older demographics (e.g., final expense policies). Regulatory mandates, growing digital adoption, and criminals turning to life and annuities account takeover have changed the calculus. Insurers are considering multi-factor authentication (MFA) as part of a broader IT security strategy.

Regulation, Risk Management, and Remote Work

May 10, 2021 by Susumu Suzuki

グローバル規模での貿易がますます盛んになる中、貿易取引に便乗したマネー・ロンダリング(Trade-Based Money Laundering:TBML)が増加する傾向にあり、金融機関/各国の規制当局ともども関心を高めています。アイテ・グループ ではこの分野の動向レポートを 「Trade-Based Money Laundering: Seek, Detect, and Prevent」として発刊していますが、ここではTBMLの概要を解説し、防止策/摘発策の方向性をまとめてみました。


■ 貿易取引に便乗したマネー・ロンダリング
