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September 8, 2020 by Aite-Novarica Media

How did you get into insurance?

I got my first taste of the industry while at college. I interned at Enterprise Rent-A-Car. My job was to suggest additional coverages to clients who were picking up their vehicles. My background in collegiate athletics at the time set me up as a naturally competitive person who wanted to be challenged. Here I leaned basic coverages and how to satisfy customers of all walks of life.

September 6, 2020 by Susumu Suzuki


アイテグループでは、あるコミュニティ・バンクのパンデミック下での対応をインタビューで振り返り、そこからの示唆を「A CIO’s Story in the Time of COVID-19」としてまとめました。

■ 某コミュニティ・バンクの事業概要とIT部門
